Clicks Ambulance

Five huge “clicks” are playing to be doctors, but real size!

Five doctors with their surgical equipment and their ambulance are coming out to the streets to turn them into a playroom.

This show will make grown-ups return to their childhood and blow up the children’s mind.


Direction: Greta Sisques
Cast: Jordi Pedrós, Cristina Garcia, Aitana Giralt, Saray González, Marc Cartanyà, Alícia Buil, Erik Varea, Eloi Ponce.
Design and costumes: Joan Pena – Plancton Escena
Duration: 60 minutes

This show is designed for parades, to amuse the audience in an open space or during events. The duration of the show is flexible.

Technical requirements

Dress room

Parking lot


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Financiado por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU    Proyecto financiado por el INAEM, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte     

© Campi Qui Pugui Produccions. Avís legal · Disseny i desenvolupament: SopaGraphics