
A meteorite has fallen in the street. The scientific team SpaceGuard approach it. But unexpected events start to happen. A show that, through absurd humour, confronts how we relate to the unknown and cultural differences. A production managed by Toti Toronell that combines puppets and actors with the aim of achieving a surprising and transforming impact in a public space.

A meteorite has fallen in the street. The adventure begins!


Directed by Toti Toronell
Duration of the show: 35 minutes
Theatre, clown and puppets
4 performers

Technical requirements

Power point 200 V
6 small construction fences
2 debris sacks
Download technical sheet

Where we’ve been

Noëls Insolites (FRA), Karlsruhe City Festival (DEU), Festival de Titelles FIROBI (CAT), 30a Mostra Internacional de Mim de Sueca (CVA), Streeta(rt)nimation Luxembourg city (LUX), Birmingham Hippodrome Square (GBR), Festival Internacional de Teatre i Animació “Al Carrer” (CAT), Festival de Teatro de El Ejido (AND), Festival Teatre sense Teatre de Rubí (CAT), 30 Fira de Teatre de Titelles (CAT), De Gevleugelde Stad Ieper (BEL), IKF – 31.Internationale Kulturbörse Freiburg (DEU), FIET – Fira de Teatre Infantil i Juvenil de les Illes Balears (IBA), FiraTàrrega 2018 (CAT)


  • Candidate: Nominee at Premios MAX 2020 from the Spain Arts Academy as Best street show

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Financiado por la Unión Europea-Next Generation EU    Proyecto financiado por el INAEM, Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte     

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